
590 Madison Avenue

Company Description

G24 Company (also known as G24 Group) provides individuals and professional services firms with the intelligence, technology, and expertise they need to find trusted answers.  We enable professionals in the financial, risk, legal, tax, accounting, real estate, and media sectors make decisions that matter most.  In addition, we provide solutions enabling individuals and organizations create, manage, deliver, and optimize working papers, documents, and multi-channel marketing for their clients.  Individuals and professional services firms are provided with SaaS solutions, digital publications, customized data, and research.

G24 is a premier data and SaaS vendor that enables you to monitor and analyze data on digital platforms.  Our systems provide news, research, reports, and ERP solutions.  Individuals and professional services firms alike have subscriptions to our services.  In particular, our subscribers have the ability to white label our digital platform and use it as an additional revenue source.  Our data and SaaS solutions provide subscribers with details regarding:

Corporate news and political events

Health, technology, media, and marketing coverage

Financial markets analysis

Estate Planning

Tax Planning

Commentaries & Reviews


Real Estate & Lodging